Thursday, 28 October 2010

Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome to my blog.

I thought that I would start by giving my reasons for doing this and explaining myself:

I am going to call myself Phoenix. This is not a veiled tribute to Jean Grey of the X-Men, I am going to use this name for two reasons:
1. To preserve my anonimity. I intend to make these post anonymously. This will allow me to be totally honest (even though few if anyone will read this anyway) and therefore it will be more of a useful tool - both for me and anyone who might chose to read it.
2. I think that the rebirth of the Phoenix - from the ashes - is appropriate to what I am trying to achieve for myself. A new beginning. In the words of Paul Weller "You know it's never too late / To make a Brand New Start".

So what am I going to blog about? And why?

Firstly what...?
Well basically anything and everything - movie reviews, book reviews, TV, the weather, work, play, relationships, sex, art, sport. Whatever I have been doing, want to do. Whatever is on my mind.

Secondly why...?
Well why not...?
Actually I have long believed that it is easy to think too much and sometimes writing things down helps one order what is going on in their head. It can help to answer banal questions such as "Did I like that film because it was good? Or was it just because Megan Fox was in it?" and less banal questions such as "What is the meaning of life?" or "Am I doing the right thing for me? Or for others?"

I welcome any comments, questions or suggestions.

Have a nice day!


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